What is sophrology ?
The word Sophrology is based on the following Greek words:
SOS (harmony) PHREN (consciousness) LOGOS (science, study)
Professor Caycedo, neuro-psychiatrist, created Sophrology in 1960 while practicing medicine at the University of Madrid, Spain. His experience as a psychiatrist inspired him to study human consciousness and find new, gentle therapeutic ways to help his patients confronted with their sufferings in post-war Spain in their daily lives. Alfonso Caycedo named his method ‘Sophrology’ and called it ‘a training of the consciousness and the values of existence’ or ‘Health & Happiness Training’.
Sophrology uses a combination of Western relaxation techniques (Jacobson’s progressive relaxation, Schultz’s autogenic training), Oriental techniques (Yoga, Zen and Buddhism) and phenomenology.
This combined physical and mental technique, promotes the wellbeing and harmony through awareness of the relationship between Body and Mind, and allows you to control the balance between these two elements by being more aware and discovering your inner resources and strengths.
Between Western relaxation and Eastern meditation, Sophrology is a structured method which gives you a very practical set of tools using relaxation and breathing techniques, concentration, positive visualization and gentle body movements (performed standing up or sitting down) to build one’s self-confidence, to effectively manage stress and to develop a positive attitude.
Throughout the sessions, you will learn the key techniques to incorporate into your daily routine, a sort of “toolbox”. You will quickly see the effects of your workouts: you will manage stressful situations better, and improve your performances.
It is important to understand that relaxation is one of the tools used in Sophrology, it is NOT the goal.
Sophrology therapy is practiced in one-to-one or groups sessions, standing, sitting or lying down if needed.
Everyone can benefit from Sophrology. The method suits all ages and abilities, it is very adaptable.
Sophrology requires no special outfits, equipment or knowledge. Please remember that these sessions should not replace any other sessions or treatment you may be following elsewhere, for example with your medical practitioner or psychiatrist.
Sophrologists are subject to the Sophrologists’ Professional Code of Ethics which guarantees the confidentiality of all information exchanged during the exercise of their profession.
In addition to – but never as a replacement – a medical or psychological treatment, the Sophrologist will work, if required, in tandem with a health care professional.
Sophrology can help you to deal with:
- Stress, anxiety (burnout, depression, panic attacks)
- Sleeping problems
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.)
- Acute and chronic illnesses (irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines, back pain, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, cancer)
- Addictions (tobacco, alcohol, gambling, internet)
- Eating disorders
- Phobia (such as fear of flying)
- Surgery or medical tests
- Recovery after surgery
- Artificial Insemination (A.I.)
For self-fulfillment, should you want to:
- Learn to let go
- Regain self-confidence
- Regain self-esteem
- Better identify one’s emotions
- Learn to live fully the present moment
- Strengthen your foothold in a group, society
- Be assisted whilst managing a professional or personal project
- Prepare for an an exam (diploma, driving license), a competition, an audition, a speech, a job interview
- Experience your pregnancy and parenthood in a state of calmness
- Increase your concentration
- Strengthen and boost your potential
- Get support during a diet
- Develop your creativity
- Or simply (re)discover to be happy
Introducing playful Sophrology can help them to:
- Regain confidence
- Better manage stress
- Better deal with their emotions
- Better manage sleeping difficulties
- Overcome fears (fear of the dark, nightmares)
- Fight bedwetting
- Reduce hyperactivity and concentration problems
- Learn to be more aware of their body
- Better manage eating disorders